- Who Rebels? Who rises in arms? Rarely the slave, but almost always the oppressor turned slave. 谁是造反者?谁举起了武器?很少是奴隶,但是几乎总是由压迫者变成奴隶。
- Those who accord with heaven are preserved, and those who rebel against Heaven perish. 顺天者存,逆天者亡
- There are those who rebel against the light, who do not know its ways or stay in its paths. 又有人背弃光明,不认识光明的道,不住在光明的路上。
- It is lu-xun who rebel against the feudal culture insistently.He had related to Buddhism when he was a child. 作为现代文化中最为决绝与激烈的反叛者的鲁迅,因为自小与佛教文化的因缘让他与佛教文化有着极为密切的联系。
- The idea is to appeal to younger customers who rebel at the thought of wearing a necktie, let alone a day job, but still have the money to spend on a ,500 suit. 这样做无非是想吸引较为年轻的顾客,这些人是谈领带色变,更别提要他们一整天都打着领带了,但他们却买得起1,500美元一套的西装。
- The idea is to appeal to younger customers who rebel at the thought of wearing a necktie, let alone a day job, but still have the money to spend on a $1,500 suit. 这样做无非是想吸引较为年轻的顾客,这些人是谈领带色变,更别提要他们一整天都打着领带了,但他们却买得起1,500美元一套的西装。
- The idea is to appeal to younger customers who rebel at the thought of wearing a necktie, let alone a day job, but still have the money to spend on a $1,500 suit. 这样做无非是想吸引较为年轻稚嫩的顾客,这些人是谈领带色变,更别提要他们一整天都打着领带了,但他们却买得起1,500美元一套的西装。
- Seen from the feminist approach Francesca is the representative of feminists who rebels against the repression of patriarchal system and seeks for female's independence,freedom and happiness. 从女权主义角度来看,弗朗西斯卡是反抗父权制度的压迫,追求自由幸福的女权主义者的代表,但是,她最终未能摆脱父权制度的影响。
- The story of a young drifter who rebels against a privileged upbringing in Britain and goes away to work in a pallet factory in provincial Sweden in the late 1970s might seem impossibly dull. 本书讲述了一位年轻漂流者的故事:他放弃了到英国享受良好教育的机会,并独自远到了20世纪70年代瑞典小镇上一个托盘工厂工作。
- The law of old Tibet stated,"All civilians who rebel all commit felonies." In such incidences not only the rebel himself would be killed,but his family property would be confiscated and his wife be made a slave. 旧西藏法律规定:“民反者均犯重法”,不但本人处死,而且家产没收,妻子为奴。
- Such a theory came from Spinoza's reflections on Hebrews' history: political body which values tolerance shall prosper, but those who rebel against the virtue of tolerance will all fall. 这一个理论起于斯宾诺莎对希伯来人历史教训之反省:凡重视容忍的政制便得以长治久安,不容忍的政制则要倾覆灭亡;
- One of the fallen angels who rebelled against God in Milton's Paradise Lost. 弥尔顿失乐园中一个反叛上帝的堕落天使
- someone who rebels and becomes and outlaw. 造反、转变或违反法的人。
- For instance, in Hosea 6:7 the prophet indicts the rebels of his generation by likening them to the first man, Adam, who rebelled against God. 例如何西阿书6:7,先知指出他们这悖逆的一代,正如第一个悖逆违抗上帝的人,亚当一样。
- Feudal rulers often branded those who rebelled against them as traitors and heretics. 封建统治者常给那些反抗他们的人加上大逆不道的罪名。
- The main figures in this tragic period were the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestants, those who rebelled against papal rule from Rome. 这段悲剧时期的主角是罗马天主教会和反罗马教皇统治的新教徒们。
- This was opposed by the old local land owners (aristocrats and monasteries) who rebelled. 这遭到了当地原有地主(贵族阶层和寺院)的反对,并发动了反叛。
- It irks us to wait for people who are late. 等候迟到的人使我们厌烦。
- It is only shallow people who judge by appearances. 只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人。
- She married a man who put her on a pedestal. 她嫁给了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。